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ترجمة ونشر البرامج

    Craft Edge Sure Cuts A Lot Pro 5.020 Multilingual


    عدد المساهمات : 2081
    تاريخ التسجيل : 03/05/2016

    Craft Edge Sure Cuts A Lot Pro 5.020 Multilingual Empty Craft Edge Sure Cuts A Lot Pro 5.020 Multilingual

    مُساهمة من طرف Admin الأحد أكتوبر 06, 2019 6:33 pm

    Craft Edge Sure Cuts A Lot Pro 5.020 Multilingual Q3LsaHUlup59yUZ7joD7D1cPYPAfy72o

    Craft Edge Sure Cuts A Lot Pro 5.020 Multilingual Snap0711
    Craft Edge Sure Cuts A Lot Pro 5.020 Multilingual Snap0710

    File size: 175.6 MB

    Sure Cuts A Lot Pro" is an extremely easy program to allow you to cut virtually any shape with your electronic cutting machines, vinyl cutters and plotters. With the combination of using your fonts, importing custom artwork and drawing your own shapes, the possibilities are endless!


    Works with your installed TrueType and OpenType fonts [screenshot]

    Works with thousands of free TrueType Fonts including Dingbat/Wingding Fonts

    Import various file formats, including SVG, PDF, EPS, AI, WPC, DXF, PLT, PES,PEC,HUS,JEF,SEW,VIP

    Drawing tools to draw and edit shapes

    Weld overlapping letters and shapes together [screenshot]

    Select styles, including Shadow and Blackout, to change the look of your letters and shapes with just a fewclicks.

    Auto tracing feature to automatically convert images for cutting

    Create rhinestone templates [screenshot]

    Print & Cut for supported models

    Includes over 200 built in shapes, with many more available through the eshape store.

    WYSIWYG Interface - What you see is what you cut [screenshot]

    Availble for Windows and Macintosh OSX

    Interface can be set to English,Chinese,Dutch,French,German,Italian,Portuguese,Spanish

    Free technical support

    And much more!

    Pro Features:

    Extended cutting length to cut longer than 72 inches

    Weeding options to easily add weeding boxes and lines


    Duplicate cutting

    Cut by color

    Color layer alignment

    Print & Cut (Contour Cutting)*

    3D shadow

    Import DXF, PLT

    Assign cut presets to layers

    Options to control the cut order



      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد يونيو 09, 2024 4:29 pm