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Blumentals Easy GIF Animator Pro Portable


عدد المساهمات : 2128
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/05/2016

Blumentals Easy GIF Animator Pro Portable  Empty Blumentals Easy GIF Animator Pro Portable

مُساهمة من طرف Admin الأحد مايو 08, 2016 9:28 am

Blumentals Easy GIF Animator Pro Portable  Pe1GNf8lRZ8PN1kW3Jd96lHxPFJnsWCh
Blumentals Easy GIF Animator Pro Portable | 42 Mb

Easy GIF Animator is the world's most popular animated GIF editor and the top tool for creating animated pictures, banners and buttons. With this awesome application you can produce stunning animation effects, achieve unmatched image quality and compression and prepare your images for the web. No other GIF animation software matches our features and ease of use, that's why Easy GIF Animator is so popular.

Program features:
• Easily create animated banners, pictures and buttons
• Creation of animated images from scratch
• Edit and modify animated GIF images
• Add visual effects to GIF animation
• Create moving text effects
• Optimize animated GIF to reduce the size and load faster
• Preview the animation in the Internet browser
• Resize whole animations at once
• Manage animation frames
• Set the number of repetitions and the duration of the frame
• Extract separate animation frames
• Easy installation transparency
• Adding sounds to animation
• Save animation in SWF format
• Export animation to AVI format
• Use GIF, JPG, PNG and BMP images in your animation
• Generate HTML code for publishing on the Internet

Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

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