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    Radial Menu Including .Net framework


    عدد المساهمات : 2128
    تاريخ التسجيل : 03/05/2016

    Radial Menu Including .Net framework Empty Radial Menu Including .Net framework

    مُساهمة من طرف Admin الخميس مايو 12, 2016 11:47 pm

    Radial Menu Including .Net framework Nw1Z94ehbaVpJOoWdkirHZ6bn3DdnaMa

    Radial Menu Including .Net framework | 56.6 Mb

    In case your desktop is always cluttered, whereas the Start menu is so long that you are forced to scroll down to find the application or file you need, then perhaps it is time to consider using a launcher application. Not only do they increase your productivity, but some of these tools enable you to create shortcuts to the files and apps that you use on a regular basis.

    Radial Menu is a lightweight program that enables you to create a start menu where you can add and organize all the web links, shortcuts, applications and other files that you need quick access to.

    Comes with a sleek and stylish interface

    After a quick setup, you are welcomed by an elegant and fresh interface. The main window is designed as an appealing set of a circle within a circle, whereas the outer one includes a spinning motion whenever you access the menu.

    You will be happy to learn that the smaller figure remains on the desktop at all times and it can be moved around to any location you deem it. Since the idea is to provide you with easy access, you can configure the app to stay on top. Nevertheless, if it bothers you, then you can check the close when starting an item option.

    Enables you to create groups and keep everything organized

    The highlight of the application stems from the fact that you can add as many items and groups as you need. Speaking of groups, it is necessary to mention that the app enables you to create custom groups, so you can manage and organize your files and links easier.

    In addition, since the utility allows you to add parameters for items that come with this requirement, then you can launch and access it faster. You should know that the app borrows the icon from the shortcut, but if this element is missing, then it assigns a default image automatically.

    It would have been nice if it allowed you to set your own icon, a feature that could come in handy when you are organizing web links, for instance.

    A handy tool for anyone who requires quick links

    Available in an eye-candy UI, easy to use and enabling you to create and edit items that you want to access fast, Radial Menu can be a useful app for anyone who is looking for a solution to organize their desktop and Start menu better.

    New in version (May 11, 2016)
    • Themes are added to Radial Menu. Choose a theme from the settings window.
    • Added setting to collapse Radial Menu on clicking outside Radial Menu.

    • 1 Ghz processor (32 or 64 bit)
    • 15 mb free hard disk space (.Net framework needs 4,5 gb)
    • 15 mb RAM (.Net framework needs 512 mb)
    • NET FRAMEWORK 4.5 (optionally installed by Radial Menu)

    OS: Windows XP / 7 / 8 / 10


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