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ترجمة ونشر البرامج

    DesktopOK 4.31 Multilingual Portable


    عدد المساهمات : 2128
    تاريخ التسجيل : 03/05/2016

    DesktopOK 4.31 Multilingual Portable Empty DesktopOK 4.31 Multilingual Portable

    مُساهمة من طرف Admin الخميس مايو 12, 2016 11:51 pm

    DesktopOK 4.31 Multilingual Portable UykF6hL2z9WwuBHK6CnDQ7CzX4eKb0OF

    DesktopOK 4.31 Multilingual Portable | 3.1 Mb

    DesktopOK is a very handy piece of software that saves and restore the positions of all desktop icons, providing a few other extra tools to enhance the whole process. The main window groups all features you need to quickly save a desktop layout, but if you're an advanced user and you wish to step further into more advanced configuration options, DesktopOK can please you too.

    Besides the fact that you can save and restore icons position on the go, clicking on “Options” lets you enable auto-saving and tweak save settings. As a result, you can use the work area or the screen resolution as name and define the maximum number of layouts to be saved.

    What's more, DesktopOK can be configured to save the desktop layout before Windows shutdown and restore the original position before Windows startup.

    One of the tools that don't make much sense is the so-called “Punch the Icons” tool that picks a random position for any icon on the desktop. While it can hardly be found useful, this particular feature does nothing more than to scramble desktop icons.

    On the good side however, DesktopOK automatically saves the original layout, allowing you to easily revert to the default settings.

    DesktopOK works just fine on all Windows versions, and even if it places an icon in the Windows System Tray, it remains very friendly with hardware resources all the time.

    All in all, DesktopOK is clearly a handy tool, especially in case you change display resolutions on a regular basis. This way, every single user can have his very own layout, with minimum configuration options and a very intuitive interface.

    • Save your favorite icon locations for each screen resolution.
    • Each user can then have his own arrangement.
    • Automatically hide and display desktop icons # Minimises to tray area for easy access.
    • Easily minimize all of the windows on your screen
    • Launch at Windows startup.
    • Autosave
    • Multilingual

    New in version 4.31 (May 3, 2016):
    • Bug fix: When restoring the selected icon layout in Windows 7 and Windows-10.

    OS: Windows All

    Languages (25): English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Czech, Dutch, Danish, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, Japanese, Chinese (Traditional), Korean...


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