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ترجمة ونشر البرامج

    Easy2Boot USB 1.80 Final


    عدد المساهمات : 2128
    تاريخ التسجيل : 03/05/2016

    Easy2Boot USB 1.80 Final Empty Easy2Boot USB 1.80 Final

    مُساهمة من طرف Admin الأحد مايو 15, 2016 8:50 pm

    Easy2Boot USB 1.80 Final BVxpIEoxSY2xGL5aunVMbq6WMv91IZQU
    Easy2Boot USB 1.80 Final | 22.4 Mb

    Easy2Boot, a new All-in-One MultiBoot USB solution!Easy2Boot can do all of these things - NEW! EasyBoot now supports UEFI multibooting (linux and Windows). + No USB 'Helper' Flash drive required for Windows installs. 

    No other USB MultiBoot solution can do all of this from the same USB drive!
    1. No limit to the number of different Linux, Windows Install, WinPE, etc. ISOs or other payload files
    2. Boot almost ANY linux 'LiveCD' ISO - just copy it over! Unlike XBOOT or YUMI, you don't have to wait for Easy2Boot to be updated to support a new linux ISO distro - Easy2Boot is generic.
    3. Install Windows XP to a system from a UNMODIFIED XP install ISOs (any number of different ISOs) to a IDE\SATA\AHCI\RAID\SCSI system - no need to integrate special mass-storage or F6 drivers! Also works with Server 2003 ISOs.
    4. Install from any number of different Windows Vista/7/8/SVR2008R2/SVR2012 install ISOs
    5. Boot directly from linux LiveCD ISOs with persistence - you can have all these (and more) on one Easy2Boot drive and boot them all with persistence - YLMF, Ubuntu, Fedora, StartOS, Porteus, pclinuxos, Backtrack5, kali-linux ISOs.
    6. User configurable and fully documented - you can change the background wallpaper, headings and text colours, move the menu position, make your own sub-menus, make it beep when the menu loads, add your own GFXBoot menu, change menu font, use UTF-8 non-ASCII characters in the menus, define your own hotkeys, etc. etc.
    7. You can use FAT32 or NTFS (and with a few limitations an exFAT or ext2 formatted drive).
    8. Because Easy2Boot is not a 'utility', you can prepare an Easy2Boot drive under Windows or linux. Once prepared, just copy over (or delete) any ISOs you like at any time in the future.
    9. Variety of example 'skins' included.

    Whats New:
    v1.80 bugfix for Windows Install menus not displayed if FASTLOAD enabled. Change to centrehd.g4b batch file to allow for large fonts. Small change to German STRINGS.txt. Latest grub4dos 0.4.6a (ext4 and CDFS bugfixes). bugfix for uppercase extension .MNU and .TXT ignored. Fix for FASTLOAD with $$$$CONFIG files. No need for WINCOUNT special variable. Fix no display issue if use STAMPs in text mode (GFX=none). Update_all_e2B_drives.cmd added. Improved CopyFF.g4b batch file to workaround bug in fat utility which won't copy files beginning with the letter o. New grldr 0.4.6a grub4dos 20160426. PTN2 .mnu files for UEFI_GRUB2_PTN2 toolkit.


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأربعاء أكتوبر 16, 2024 9:54 pm