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ترجمة ونشر البرامج

    Pampa Browser + Portable


    عدد المساهمات : 2128
    تاريخ التسجيل : 03/05/2016

    Pampa Browser + Portable Empty Pampa Browser + Portable

    مُساهمة من طرف Admin الأربعاء مايو 04, 2016 6:14 pm

    Pampa Browser + Portable SckjcllVbXTqAGuEt6FyTF0qIbIvYAAq

    Pampa Browser + Portable | 52.4 Mb

    Pampa is a reliable and simple to use Internet browser, which allows you to easily navigate the Web, save bookmarks or manage downloads. The application allows you to create a username and save your settings, history or other Internet files in a secure storage space, while you are logged in.

    Reliable and convenient Internet browser

    Pampa allows you to quickly access your favorite websites, save the URLs to the list of bookmarks or set the current website as your home page. The program features a straightforward interface, with menus hidden under symbol buttons, which allows you to enjoy a larger space for website display.

    Pampa is built on the Gecko kernel (same as Firefox) and enables you to work on several websites at the same time, due to the simultaneous tab support. The application also features a quick search field, which you can customize by changing the online engine.

    Moreover, the program features a convenient dual display mode, which allows you to view two tabs at the same time. The interface can be split so that two webpages can be rendered simultaneously. You may view a YouTube video, for instance, while browsing another page.

    Additional conversion functions

    Pampa allows you to display or hide menus, recent downloads list, bookmark page or the Settings window. The program allows you to create a list of websites for the phishing filter and block certain URLs, by adding them to the blacklist.

    Pampa also features reliable video downloading and conversion functions. Thus, you need only access the YouTube page hosting your favorite video, then download it or instantly convert it to MP3. Additionally, you may download batches of images, capture screenshots or display the source code for a particular page. The floating gallery tool opens a small window with shortcuts to the most recently visited websites.

    Private browsing sessions

    Pampa allows you to create a username, then save all your browsing data recorded during one session to a secure storage space. Simply log in with the username and password of your choice and save bookmarks, history, download records to your account. You may also create and manage groups, which help with data organizing.

    • Multi-tasking browser
    • Built-in editor
    • Mini-website panel
    Enjoy of a better browsing experience:
    • The dual mode helps you to view two websites simultaneously, ie watching a video on Youtube and reading the New York Times.
    Explore more useful and efficient options:
    • Mini-website panel helps you to keep on hand all most, last visited websites and bookmarks. All this, at the same level as the main browser.
    All your tools in the same place:
    • Copy, take pics, print, save website contents? The bult-in editor of Pampa can help you to do all this and more.
    Image Manager:
    • While browsing a website you can capture all pictures and download, print or save them
    Video Downloader:
    • Save your video and audio in your PC? Pampa helps you to download or convert videos
    Groups Manager:
    • Groups enables you to manage website in a new way. Save, open, start a group at any time!

    New in version (May 1, 2016)
    • Minor bugs
    • Video Downloader
    • Voice Recognition Extension
    • Manage Favorites Form

    System requirements:
    • Windows NT XP/Vista/7/8/10 32-64 bits
    • Windows Server 2008/2012
    • Framework .NET: 4.0 or higher


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأربعاء أكتوبر 16, 2024 5:19 pm