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IconEdit2 6.11 Multilingual


عدد المساهمات : 2128
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/05/2016

IconEdit2 6.11 Multilingual Empty IconEdit2 6.11 Multilingual

مُساهمة من طرف Admin الأربعاء مايو 04, 2016 7:55 pm

IconEdit2 6.11 Multilingual Lqst5eo4p42xV7oalkIpofLiBmWtCuxY
IconEdit2 6.11 Multilingual | 5.6 MB

IconEdit2 is a full-featured graphic manipulation instrument. Alpha channel, multi-resolution and multi color depth, anti-aliasing are supported seamlessly.

Easy to use
Despite advanced features, all of them are easy to use. You can manage color depths and image sizes in a mouse click. All drawing tools produce anti-aliased results automatically. You can paint, undo/redo, search for icons in your files, and create new icons instantly by capturing screen areas or opening image files or photos.

IconEdit2 is shareware. It doesn't cost a fortune. You can download and try it before you buy. Registration includes free version upgrades (within the same major version) and support.

Easy to use;
Alpha channel (semi-transparency);
Multi-image icon files;
256x256 PNG-compressed icon support;
Capture screen areas;
Search icons in your files;
Multiple Undo/Redo;
Various image filters;
Import/Export as ICO, BMP, GIF, TIFF, JPEG, or PNG.

What's New in This Release:
New features:
- Catalan, Finnish, and Swedish languages added;
- New "View | Guides" menu command and tool button added;
- Setup app now creates just one icon in Start menu to better suite Windows 10 style.

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